Ratcliff Honey Farm
Their interest in beekeeping started 11 years ago when they caught their first swarm (see stories). They have been hooked ever since. They started out rescuing bees from houses and offices all over the middle TN area. Over the years, they have rescued bees from trucks, living room walls, and block walls. They rescue between 20-50 colonies a year. Today they raise queens and raise and sell colonies for those that are looking to get started in beekeeping. They also sell pure honey products that are safely produced by the honeybees.
The First Catch
Eleven years ago, John had just picked up his son Jack from school and was ready for their Spring Break trip in Orlando. Right before their departure, they got a call from a friend saying that they needed help with catching a swarm. Jack and John rushed to the scene and delivered! Aren't John's flipflops cool? They then drove straight to Disney. They enjoyed the job so much that they went on to start their very own Bee farm!

A Nice Flashback

This video is a flashback of John and his son extracting honey back in 2018! Watch it to see how the honey extraction process works!

John Ratcliff owner
John Ratcliff is the owner of Ratcliff Honey Farm. He is also the president of the Nashville Area Beekeeping Association (NABA), and the president of the board for a nonprofit organization called HoneybeeTN. They manage from 60-100 colonies. John has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. John says that "the best part of all of this is that I get to work with my family." His youngest son Jack helps manage and rescue the bees and is responsible for honey sales and management of their honey producing hives.

Gibson Brands Inc.
The bees in this beautifully pictured campaign poster are Ratcliff Honey Farm's very own! Ratcliff Honey Farm collaborated with Gibson to advertise their new design: Adam Jones Les Paul's "Queen Bees" Epiphone guitar by Mark Ryden.
Epiphone Guitars

Tennessee Schools
Ratcliff Honey Farm helps HoneybeeTN to give schools all over Tennessee equipment to start school beekeeping programs!
What is raw honey?
Do you treat your beehives with chemicals?
What are Nucs?
Why do I need a queen for my Nuc?
Raw honey is honey that hasn’t been altered from its purest form. It’s almost straight from the hive!
We only use all natural treatments only when absolutely necessary for the survival of the hive.
Nucs are small-sized hives in which a small bee colony resides
The worker bees need a boss to collect the honey for! Without a queen, they would not last for more than a couple of months.